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Text File | 1995-11-07 | 11.0 KB | 327 lines | [ttro/ttxt] |
- FC Log Inspector 1.1
- (FAT)
- What is FCLI?
- • FCLI is a small program for FirstClass sysops. Just drag and drop a
- stat-log file on its icon, and it will create a BBEdit TEXT file containing
- different informations for each user.
- A small example is shown below for the user ID Schultz.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Schultz
- 3 connections:
- [ 28.8.1995 ]
- 12:06:57 VT100 / CLUI / Serial / 19200 / 2441 0 min. 31 sec.
- 16:20:27 Mac / GUI / Serial / 19200 / 2600 1 min. 11 sec.
- 22:17:23 Mac / GUI / Serial / 19200 / 2600 13 min. 34 sec.
- Connected: 15 min. 16 sec.
- Opened objects:
- ---------------
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:06:57 Document :
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:06:58 Form Doc :
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:00 Message : New Message
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:08 Form Doc :
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:11 Conference : MailBox
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:13 Message : Alors
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:16 Folder : BulkRateToRead
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:17 Conference : Internet
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:18 ConfItem : Partners vidéo
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:19 ConfItem : Voyager
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:19 ConfItem : Mac test
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:20 ConfItem : mots croisés
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:20 ConfItem : F C M
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:21 ConfItem : Internet Cigar Club
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:21 ConfItem : The Hitlist
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:22 ConfItem : swiss jobs
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:23 ConfItem : tattoo
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:23 ConfItem : Turk-all
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:24 Folder : BulkRateToRead
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 12:07:25 Form Doc :
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 16:20:31 Conference : MailBox
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 16:20:34 Message : Re: Alors
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 16:20:48 Message : Re(2): Alors
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 22:17:38 Chat :
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 22:18:44 Conference : Conferences
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 22:25:27 Document :
- [ 28.8.1995 ] 22:25:33 Document :
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Then, FCLI tells you at which moment all the modems of your server were
- busy. This can help you deciding if your server needs another modem.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Busy periods: ( 2 modems )
- -------------
- [ 28.8.1995 ]
- 21:26:35 ---> 21:30:47 4 min. 12 sec.
- 21:33:52 ---> 21:39:22 5 min. 30 sec.
- 21:58:11 ---> 21:58:13 0 min. 2 sec.
- 22:19:24 ---> 22:30:57 11 min. 33 sec.
- 22:32:41 ---> 22:42:08 9 min. 27 sec.
- Busy periods duration: 30 min. 44 sec.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Then, FCLI adds a list of the best downloads. At the end of each line, you
- can read how many times the file was downloaded.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Downloads TOP 20:
- -----------------
- 1. DragWindow II ƒ.sit 2
- 2. CONNIX 1.0 -> 1.0.1 2
- 3. BigSecret folder.sit 1
- 4. Cyclone ƒ.sit 1
- 5. Aug28/1995 1
- 6. NeXT icons.sit 1
- 7. CalcWorks142.sit 1
- 8. Animaniacs.sit 1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Then, FCLI adds a list of the best conferences. At the end of each line, you
- can read how many times the conference was opened.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Best conferences:
- -----------------
- 1. MailBox 46
- 2. Conferences 38
- 3. Aide-Infos 15
- 4. Forum CONNIX 14
- 5. Telechargements MAC 12
- 6. Soirees - fetes 10
- 7. Region Fribourg 10
- 8. Internet 9
- 9. Rantanplan 8
- 10. Qui etes-vous? 5
- 11. PC et compatibles 5
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • At the end of the file, FCLI adds informations concerning all of the
- IDs that have connected to your server.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IDs list:
- ---------
- 1. Marie 265 min. 37 sec.
- 2. ARNoO 59 min. 45 sec.
- 3. Philos 41 min. 37 sec.
- 4. Dridri 35 min. 13 sec.
- 5. Filou 31 min. 59 sec.
- 6. Julien Brunod 19 min. 4 sec.
- 7. Schultz 15 min. 16 sec.
- 8. cdz 6 min. 19 sec.
- 9. Zand 5 min. 52 sec.
- 10. Sandra Vitali 4 min. 9 sec.
- 11. yannick 3 min. 4 sec.
- 12. Yves Steiner 2 min. 41 sec.
- 13. Papale John 2 min. 37 sec.
- 14. Djac 1 min. 32 sec.
- 15. DV 1 min. 25 sec.
- 16. Romain GRAND 1 min. 24 sec.
- 17. tbs 1 min. 20 sec.
- 18. canard 1 min. 7 sec.
- 19. WATOO 0 min. 19 sec.
- Number of connections : 53
- Modem connections duration: 234 min. 43 sec.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Tips
- • If you have configured your server for a daily log file, and if you want
- informations for a whole week, no problem! Just use the
- "Concatenate" extension of BBEdit, and run FCLI on the resulting file.
- You just need to concatenate the files in the right order.
- • You can use the grep search of BBEdit in order to switch quickly to the next
- user: search for
- connection?s:\r
- Then, with command-g, you can go through the list very quickly.
- • FCLI can help you detect when a user connects on someone else's account...
- When the connection speed and/or client version is different, you have good
- reasons to think that there is not only one person on this account.
- For example:
- [ 2.10.1995 ]
- 12:40:45 Mac / GUI / Serial / 9600 / 2500 8 min. 30 sec.
- 23:07:56 Mac / GUI / Serial / 19200 / 2700 0 min. 52 sec.
- 23:12:17 Mac / GUI / Serial / 19200 / 2700 18 min. 20 sec.
- • The output file is likely to be bigger that 32K. SimpleText won't be able to
- open it. You'll have to use another program, capable of reading a text file of
- more that 32K. BBEdit is a nice text editor, the best I think. Many features
- (Extensions, Grep search...) will be very useful to you.
- • The output file looks good when using Monaco 9 Font. Don't even try using
- Geneva, Helvetica or whatever. The result is unreadable.
- I personally use ProFont. It's a font included in the CodeWarrior CD. It's a
- modified version of Monaco, making it even more readable.
- • If you download the stat file from the server to your computer when the FC
- server is actually writing in it, you finally get a "corrupted" file, in the sense that
- the last line of the file may not end correctly. This may cause some problems
- to FCLI. Deleting the last or first line resolves the problem.
- • The Busy Periods algorithm cannot work properly in one case: when someone
- is connected to the server during the Trash Collection. SoftArc designed the log
- events syntax in a way that it's impossible to do it easily. This case is quite rare,
- anyway.
- Tech infos
- • FAT
- • Compiled with CodeWarrior 7
- • Use of C++ streams
- • Support of drag and drop from the Finder
- • Checks if input file is correct
- • Limitations for one .FCLI file:
- ◊ 2000 different users
- ◊ 200 downloads per user
- ◊ 200 uploads per user
- ◊ 500 different connections per user
- ◊ 10000 opened objects per user
- ◊ 22 modem sessions
- • FCLI needs these records in the stat-log file
- ◊ Login
- ◊ Logout
- ◊ Open
- ◊ Attach
- ◊ Upload
- ◊ Download
- ◊ SaveAttach
- ... so you need to check the following items in the
- "statistics control" window of your server:
- ◊ Session(login/logout)
- ◊ Each check box that creates an "Open" record you are interested in...
- - Mailbox Open
- - Private Message Open
- - Folder Open
- - Conference Open
- - Conference Item Open
- - External Folder Open
- - Private Chatting
- - Public Chatting
- ◊ Upload/Attach
- ◊ Download/SaveAttach
- The others records are not used by FCLI for the moment.
- This Package
- Without Registration name and code, FCLI enters the DEMO mode.
- The DEMO has one limitation: It displays only informations for the first, third,
- fifth... users. The TOP lists are limited as well.
- The final IDs list, and the Busy Periods are fully functional.
- How much? How can I order?
- The price for the full version is 40$ - 50 CHF.
- Future updates are free. You pay only once.
- In order to pay, you can:
- • Send me the money in US$ or Swiss Francs in cash
- Philippe Lang
- Les Lécheires
- 1733 Treyvaux
- • Transfer the money on my bank account
- Société de Banques Suisses
- Centre Universitaire EPFL
- Ecublens-CM
- 1015 Lausanne
- Lang Philippe
- F4-703.847
- Don't forget to give me your full address (including country), and a way
- of contacting you electronically, as long as I don't have to make
- international calls!
- • Internet e-mail (preferred)
- • account on a BBS I can reach through Internet (SoftArc Online, ...)
- • Compuserve
- • eWorld - AppleLink
- • ...
- Future versions
- • Background
- • Auto-concatenation
- • Progress Bar
- • ...
- How to contact me?
- Internet e-mail : plang@com.mcnet.ch or phlang@mail.mcnet.ch
- SoftArc Online : Philippe Lang
- Connix (FC BBS) : (++41 37) 41 42 06
- Fax : (++41 37) 41 42 04
- Phone : (++41 37) 33 00 50
- I hope you'll like FCLI! Tell me if you have suggestions, ideas...
- Philippe Lang